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Evolution is a Lie

Evolution is a lie. Humans did not evolve from apes. The bible says Adam was made in the image of God. Until Adam and Eve sinned there was no death. Natural selection requires death. Darwin himself stated:

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"Evolutionary scientist admits theory’s major flaws

Müller did not espouse any creationist or design beliefs, but his presentation demonstrated that even the most staunch advocates of evolution are forced to admit the theory has many holes. The presentation was devastating “for anyone who wants to think that, on the great questions of biological origins, orthodox evolutionary theory has got it all figured out,” Discovery Institute experts wrote on their organization’s blog."


"Nuclear Physicist Declares: ‘Science Will Never Contradict The Bible’"

“An accomplished nuclear physicist has recently expressed outspoken support for the Genesis creation account, arguing that the evolutionary worldview “fails dismally” in its description of scientific realty.


The final arbiter of any theory must be based on the strength of its description of physical reality,” he said. “It is in this respect that the theory of evolution fails dismally.”


Not only is the second law of thermodynamics “a powerful argument against chemical evolution,” van der Ventel stated, but the very dating methods evolutionists cite are mostly supported by assumptions—not physics."


The bible says Adam was created from 'dust'. It sounds impossible. But science shows otherwise. And our physical bodies return to dust when we die, just as the bible says."

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‘Science Supports Genesis’: Geneticist Says Evidence Confirms Biblical Adam and Eve"


Genetic proof of the creation of man, Noah's flood, Tower of Babel with science: "Origins: Noah’s Flood Genetics"


Evolution theory requires fossil evidence of gradual changes and none have ever been found.


Any similarity between us and any form of life (plant or animal) is because some of the basic requirements for life have to be the same. Everything else in the DNA programming is distinct to each species and species cannot mutate into other species, this is why different species cannot reproduce together. We all have our own DNA code. There is micro-evolution where a species can adapt through epigenetics (e.g. dogs bred to have longer hair, or humans in hotter climates developing darker skin) but no macro-evolution, where species develop into different species.


Humans are not evolved apes! This scientific study blows out of the water that humans are over 98% genetically related to chimpanzees:


"However, and importantly, this 98.6% sequence identity drops to only 86.7% taking into account the multiple insertions/deletions (indels) dispersed throughout the region."


Humans are 60% identical to fruit flies and bananas but a banana can't evolve into a human. Fruit flies have really short life spans and despite trying desperately, scientists have been unable to get fruit flies to evolve. God created us and animals as separate creatures.


"No Fruit Fly Evolution Even after 600 Generations"


What was unexpectedly found in Dinosaur Bones, Coal and Diamonds? Dr Andrew Snelling. Radiometric dating is unreliable.


For evolutionists theory to even be considered, it requires that the Earth is millions of years old, to give enough time for evolution to have supposedly occurred.  But the Earth is only about six thousand years old or so, as can be calculated from the bible. Dating methods used for bones and rocks have been found to be highly inaccurate, such as radio carbon dating. Coal is supposedly 250 million years old, so it shouldn't contain carbon-14, but it does and the half-life of carbon-14 is only 5,730 years. Therefore, evolution could not have occurred in an Earth that young, otherwise we would have seen it happen since the time of humans! There are no reliable scientific dating methods! Look at the videos on this page showing proof has been found of humans and dinosaurs living together and soft tissue found in dinosaur bones supposedly millions of years old!


"Radiocarbon in 'Ancient' Fossil Wood"


Then there are the frauds committed to convince people that evolution is accurate.  German zoologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) made completely fraudulent embryo drawings in support of evolution, that are STILL being used to teach children today!


"Haeckel’s Fraudulent Embryo Drawings Are Still Present in Biology Textbooks — Here’s a List"


Mainstream science has been so desperate to hide God from the people and convince everyone of evolution, that a variety of fossil frauds have been perpetuated:


"9 Fossils and Finds That Were Total Fakes"


"How Fake Fossils Pervert Paleontology"


No "missing" link has ever been found evidencing apes evolving into human beings. They just present partial ape bones as related to humans, by rearranging them into supposed anatomical positions. PhD scientist discusses the fraud of "Lucy":



Interesting video by Trey Smith arguing against evolution (approximately 1 hr 20 mins):

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